My First Twitter Chat, Y'all! (Updated)

group-3354366_640 by by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This IB course I'm taking is "making me" do all these assignments to become a connected educator. I say that tongue-in-cheek, because I am not really just working to get it done, but I really do want to learn how to effectively use these technologies. I'm just really overwhelmed at the moment. (Post-COVID issues in KG, like students who have never been in school, unidentified potentially SpEd students and new l_o_n_g 1:1 BOY assessments are kicking my behind!)

So...I guess you could say that I was procrastinating participating in a live Twitter chat by not understanding how to join one. I could not find a live #PYPchat, but found a #Kinderchat one. I didn't know what I was doing, but chimed in anyway, and am so glad that I did. Now that I'm on the other side of it, I can say that it was an absolute delight! I actually have more energy afterwards, because of the encouragement, ideas and new connections I made. 

An NAEYC position paper was suggested, but since the group was so small (4-8) we just conversed freely. I shared the most personal learning, so received the most feedback. It was like my own, personalized, just-in-time PD. Being a public school teacher, my job is mostly dictated by bureaucrats who are sadly short-sighted and uninformed. Tonight I was reminded about what's most important and urgent. TY@Kinderchat!

I will definitely be proactively looking for opportunities to take part in lots more of these! Thank you, IBO!

I have been under the public school system teach-for-academic-scores paradigm and have forgotten that you cannot make a child learn. I was reminded of the importance of play in a child's development, even in its impact on academic improvement. Young children emerging from this pandemic need more, not fewer, opportunities to play. I have been observing students at recess and contemplating what kinds of processes their brains are making.  Now that I have finished testing, I want to implement more choice and  play into my classroom. Please see my post on teaching art.


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